Monday, October 20, 2008


Things around our house have gotten very quiet lately and Georgia May is lonely. With only Karly and Kloe at home, there just isn't as much noise and chaos as there use to be.

Recently I was feeling lonely and so I let Georgia in the house for the day, thinking it would help me not to feel so alone. She came in the house all excited and ready to play. She did her normal run up the back stairs and checked out everyone's room, looking to see who was home and who wanted to play. . . .

She soon realized it was just me at home. She gave me a little attention, but then went to the top of the back stairs, sat down and waited. You could tell she expected someone to come home soon. She stayed like that for almost an hour till she finally gave in and laid down.

The only time I could get her to get up was to go outside to go to the bathroom. At one point I was at the other side of the house and I could hear her snoring, but she didn't move. As the day went on her face just looked sadder and sadder.

Poor Sweet Georgia May misses all the kids being at home.

She is not the only one, we all seem a little out of sorts in an empty, quiet house.


Marnie said...

The quiet ends tomorrow. You may have spoke too soon. The Cottrell boys are not known for their silence. See you sometime after lunch.

David and Wendy Pendergrass said...

Hey Sister P. thanks for finding me! So good to hear from you! I am excited to follow your blog because you have always been one of those inspiring people! Seeing your Sad dog and empty house makes me miss all the Porterfields too. Kyle looks so handsome in that picture with all the elders. Take care! I will check in from time to time!

Jessica F said...

She is such a cute dog! I cant wait to go home at Christmas and see my doggies!

Fern said...

Sweet little Georgia! I love that wrinkly smelly dog face of hers.
Has Dad seen this?