Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I Know You're There . . .

You can't hide. I know you are checking the blog out and yet you leave no comment. I am as guilty as you are, but I will make you a deal. I will try to be better at  leaving a  comment when I visit your blog, if you will try to be better at leaving a comment when you visit mine. 

Now enjoy the blog and have a great day!

(I know my kids are embarrassed by this, but I just had to get that off my chest.)


Jessica F said...

Haha...ok you got me! I was actually going to make a comment on Kody going to college, because my parents just sent Grant off to college at BYUI as well. I hope everything is going well for you guys! Keep up the blogging:)

Jessica (Ralston) Feely

Fern said...

blah blah blah! You have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to reading my blog and not commenting. whine whine! :)

Marnie said...

I do promise to do the same. I have not set the appointment up yet. Still trying to find the best time. I may try and get a disney vacation in with it. I will let you know. When is your fall break?

Anonymous said...
